Investment Process

Discretionary Portfolio Management

  • Very conservative
    • This profile is for investors with a low risk tolerance who require a fairly predictable return, with the ability, if required, to withdraw income on a regular basis. The largest proportion of this portfolio is invested in short-term investments with a smaller proportion placed in bonds. Little or no foreign currency exposure is taken. Ordinarily, the investor would expect a positive total return over any given twelve months.

  • Conservative
    • This profile is for investors with a less than average risk tolerance who are however able and/or willing to accept some volatility and whose time horizon is at least two years. The largest portion of this portfolio is held in cash and bonds with a smaller portion in equities. Little or no foreign currency exposure is taken.

  • Balanced
    • This profile is for investors with an average risk tolerance who wish to have some exposure to global economic cycles. Equities can represent between one third and one half of the portfolio. The asset allocation is globally diversified but foreign currency exposure is moderate. It should be accepted that the value of the portfolio will fluctuate and the investor should therefore be willing to commit to an investment period of at least three years.

  • Dynamic
    • This profile is for investors with an above average risk tolerance and who fully understand the risks and rewards related to global market exposure. Equity holdings are diversified internationally and represent about two thirds of the portfolio. Foreign currency exposure may be significant. The relative volatility of such a portfolio requires an investment time horizon of about five years.

  • Very dynamic
    • This profile is for investors with a high tolerance to the risks associated with investing up to the total value of the portfolio mainly in international equities. Foreign currency exposure may also be significant. It is therefore important that the investor accepts that this could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. As a result, a commitment to an investment period in excess of five years is necessary.

Advisory Portfolio Management

  • Recurring Income
    • This mandate aims to generate recurring income, ideally paid quarterly, either from bonds or structured products, while focusing on the preservation of capital. As this mandate could also include alternative investments, investors are required to have an investment horizon of around five years.

  • Opportunistic
    • This mandate provides investors with exposure to opportunistic transactions across global equities, bonds and currencies according to the chosen risk profile. These opportunities are driven by social, political and macro and microeconomic developments and therefore require a thorough understanding of the underlying drivers. As this mandate only covers conventional financial instruments from an opportunistic perspective, investors are required to have an investment horizon of around two to three years.